by - July 22, 2018

Assalamualaikum. Hi.

 Picture from Freepik

I went to 7E last night to get Nescafe Caramel Macchiato because I saw my friend shared about it on his IG story. Sadly the Nescafe Caramel Macchiato wasn't available at the store I went. Not sure if it was out of stock or that range was still not available at the store. I didn't bother asking because I was having stomach ache (from eating Samyang ramen on empty stomach. Don't do that guys). Despite bad review from my friend, I still want to try it just because of the packaging. Hahaha. See below. The packaging is nice isn't it?

Picture from Nescafe Malaysia FB

So Arrif picked Starbuck Frappucino Coffee. I noticed the drink before but never feel like buying it because I think it wouldn't be good as the freshly brewed one. I thought he was going to drink it but he sipped some of the drink and asked me to finish the bottle. Since I'm not immune to caffeine like Arrif, so I just drank it this morning. We both loves coffee but Arrif like his coffee sweet and I like my coffee bitter so when he didn't finish the bottle, I thought it must be kaw but to my disappointment, it was sweet as hell. No coffee taste at all and the creamer taste was so strong. I tried to wash it down with water but yeah, the taste still there. But again, I love the packaging. Hahaha. I might keep this bottle and use it as my to go coffee container or when I'm bored of it, I could keep small house plant in there.

By the way, so many products and brands in one entry. Phew. This is not product placement guys. Hahaha. I'm not paid for this entry.

So have you taste the Nescafe Caramel Macchiato? How does it taste? I'm so going to get it later.

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  1. Boleh la pergi 7 eleven pasni Cari, sedap ni.

    1. Kalau yang suka manis memang akan suka la

  2. The packaging do look nice. But please dont eat samyang when your stomach is empty. I did that and i regretted >_<

  3. I don't drink coffees but I always go to Starbucks to buy their chocolate chunk cookies lol.

    1. Why not! Coffee is love. Hahaha. You are opposite of me. I don't like their cookies. Haha

  4. Haven't even try that nescafe but yes, the packaging is sooo cantik!

    1. Right? Walaupun rasa mungkin tak sedap tapi dimaafkan sebab packaging so cantik. Hahah

  5. tgk je tp x penah beli lg ;-)

  6. suka minum kopi ni.. ehehe.. akak masuk gak starbuck tapi kadang2. hehe.. not a coffee addict tapi okayla sesekali =)

    1. Haah suka sangat kalau dengan kopi. Hehehe. Starbuck sekarang dah kurang kick.


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