by - December 07, 2019

Assalamualaikum. Hi.

There are two types of reader in this world. One who read books with care and one who don't. I was once of those people who read books with care. I hated creased spine the most. I don't remember how does it started but I still remember my first book with underlined sentences and jotted down notes. It was the Why Mars and Venus Collide book. Since then, I don't mind if my books are full with pencil or pen marks. Useful marks and not some random scribble, alright! I also don't mind anymore if my books no longer in pristine condition after I finished reading them.

I just finished re-reading Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix (I read the Bahasa Malaysia version by the way) actually when I noticed how bad the condition of the spine and cover. Every Harry Potter's fans will know that The Order of The Phoenix is the longest and thickest book in Harry Potter series. It was so hard for me to hold the book while reading it because it was heavy and I read everywhere, like literally.  I'd be on the sofa in living room and the next minute I'd be on the bed. Sometimes I walked around the house too while reading. I could go to the kitchen, getting some water and wetted my book. I read in the toilet too sometimes. Please don't judge me 😓.

The old me wouldn't like it. But I grow to love worn out books now. Given I am the one who make those books worn out of course. It just shows that I read them passionately. But I'd still be mad if people borrow my books and don't handle them right. Don't we all hate that? Hahaha. Also, people who fold pages to mark the place they last read are devil.

So what kind of reader are you? Do you scribble useful things on your book? Do you have specific place to read? Are you guilty of reading in the toilet too?

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  1. I hated crease spines to death but it's hard to prevent it from happening for thick books like HP.

    1. Yes, setuju part thick books susah nak jaga the spines. Tu yang I decided to embrace the crease.

  2. People who fold pages to mark the place they last read are devil < whyyyyy? I do it. A lot. Almost all books 😂

    1. Hahaha. It's okay if you fold your own books. Jangan lipat buku orang lain tau.

  3. Saya jenis buat kedua²nya😆.. selalu guna penanda buku.. tapi kalau dah emergency dan tiada penanda buku.. terpaksalah lipat (lipat kecik je dkt bucu)😅.. saya pun tak suka orang lipat tepi buku.. lagi² buku kesayangan😄.

    1. Haah kalau terpaksa kadang2 tu lipat kecikkk je dekat hujung buku. Takpun hafal page berape. Hahaah


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