by - December 07, 2019

Assalamualaikum. Hi.

Umm, this kind of useless and stupid challenge but I'll write about it anyway.

I'm mostly cashless nowadays. If there were any money left in my purse, they were in RM1 and RM5 notes. That was also the case for yesterday but I need my coffee because I can't survive working days without one (most of the time). I hardly asked Arrif for any money because he already wired me my allowance every month and he paid for almost everything whenever we are out. Let's see my problem here. I wanted coffee, I didn't have cash and too lazy to go to the ATM. Solution? Asked Arrif for  the money hahaha I feel so ashamed as I'm typing this. Since I rarely got cash from Arrif, I felt extemely happy and that's how I made up this Breakfast Challenge to commemorate my happiness I'm such a bimbo OMG

The challenge was to buy breakfast using Arrif's RM10 and maximize my purchase. I think I did a good job, right?

Small Hot Latte RM5.95, Chicken and Egg Sandwich RM3.00

Disclaimer : I usually don't spent this much for breakfast. In fact I don't usually eat during the day on working days except for having coffee (also not everyday).

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  1. Almost RM10 for breakfast quite pricey actually. Tapi takpe, bukan selalu juga asked for Ariff money hehe. Next time boleh try RM10 for a day? Eh. Boleh ke tak eh sebab i pun spend almost RM20 for a day hihi.

    1. Boleh sangat RM10 for a day sebab I selalu tak breakfast and lunch. Dinner dekat rumah terus. Heheh.

  2. sukar untuk tidak berbelanja bawah RM5 sehari hehehe..

    kalau untuk RM50 sehari..memang mudah

    1. Betul tu. Duit mengalir macam air je sekarang ni. Hehehe

  3. Should I try and do this challenge too? RM10 and below. hahaha
    Sebab this looks kind of fun. Nanti kalau Tqa buat, Tqa tag Nurul dalam post tu.

    1. Yes you should! Kind of silly la challenge ni but it's fun. Jangan lupa tag tau nanti kalau Tqa dah buat.


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