by - April 23, 2017


It is 3.12 AM right now and I'm hyper as hell. I slept a lot yesterday evening and then around 11.30 PM, I made myself a mug of 'kaw' coffee. There's still some left in the mug actually. But hey it's weekend. Who needs sleep on weekend? I plan to binge watch Remember - War of The Son. It's a Korean drama. It's been long since I binge watching Korean drama. It's either English series or Running Man. Running Man is boring nowadays and as for English series, I'm currently watching The Strain. I usually start watching during dinner. Literally while eating dinner and we will continue it until our eyes can't take it anymore. But The Strain could be gore sometimes so there's no way I'm going to watch it during dinner. We watch Lord of The Ring instead -_-. I know, Lord of The Ring could induce nausea too. What with orc and Uruk-hai ugly slimy face? One more movie before we finished it    

Now about this Korean drama. There's a story about it. About how I found that drama. I usually search for playlists of instrumental Korean songs and play them when I'm working on a design. I listen to different playlist everyday and that's how I found 'new' Korean songs. 'New' because most of the songs were released at least last year or it could be a song from three years ago. Here's a fact about me. I am bias as hell so I only listened to Super Junior, Super Junior sub-unit and Super Junior's members solo. If you go thru my MP3 playlist before, you will see Kyu's name a lot. But I find myself more open and flexible now so that's how I stumble upon Urban Zakapa - I Don't Love You. In fact I'm listening to that song right now while typing this entry. I watched the MV on YouTube and I fall instantly for the guy in that MV bahaha. Now this is embarrassing. I Google-ed for his name and tadaaa, found a list of his dramas. None caught my attention tho I'm dying to watch this handsome creature talking yes I'm desperate like that. Then I found this drama, the co-star is Park Min Young. I love this girl since I first watched her in City Hunter. What a perfect combo, said me to myself. Long story short, I started watching this this evening after Asar and now I'm at episode 5 already. Not bad for someone who haven't watch Korean drama for a long time. 15 more episodes left but I only have until episode 6 with me. Maybe I need to put on my Puss in Boots face in front of my husband so that he will help download the rest of the episodes for me. My laptop would take forever to finish it.

It's 3.30 AM now and I'm still not sleepy.

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