

by - February 22, 2020

Assalamualaikum. Hi.

This blogpost is inspired by Lya Amie's post. I love surprising my loved ones even with littlest things. The smile on their faces whenever they received the surprises is one of things that makes me happy.

My mak is one of my favourite person to surprise because she's often clueless. I have series of stories where we pranked her first before surprising her. Don't worry they were not mat saleh type of pranks. The most memorable one was when me and Ira went back to Terengganu for raya. This was before I am married. We usually started our journey from Selangor around 2.00am to 3.00am to avoid the typical festive season massive traffic. Mak will always called around after Subuh prayer to check on us. As far as I remember, we never tell her the truth about our current locations. Our answer will always be, "baru gerak" or "baru sampai (insert random location)" and she believed that. Every. single. time.

That time, she called us as usual. We were about three hours away from home but when she called us, we told her we just enter the LPT 1 highway. So I guess she continue with her activities thinking her two daughters will only arrived 5 or 6 hours later. When we almost exited the highway, Ira called ayah to ask their whereabouts because she told us she planned to buy groceries earlier when she called us. Oh, ayah is one of our partner in crime in surprising mak. He's one reliable and good partner in crime. Hahaha. Ayah told us mak was at this one hypermarket so we head there right after exited the highway. When we arrived at the hypermarket, we were stopped by ayah who was waiting in the car. He told us mak is at the counter, paying for the items. So me and Ira entered the hypermarket with caution because the counters located close to the entrance and we don't want mak to see us before we get close to her. Iqa, our littlest sister was at the counter too with mak. She saw us first but I don't remember her reaction. When we arrived at the counter, I patted mak's shoulder and said "hi" to her. She "hi" back to me and smiled a little and continue rummaging her purse, looking for money I think. Few seconds later she look back at me and shouted heyyyy. This time with a grin. Hahaha. She hi me the first time without realizing it was me that stood in front of her.

But as the saying goes, the pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last or as we Malaysian says, sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jua. I kantoi once tho. It just happened end of last year when we were on our way back home. That night, she called us as usual to checked what time we will start our journey. Since we were not at the same place (me at my house and Ira at her rented house) she called Ira first. When she called me, she told me Ira can't go back as planned and she asked me why to which I answered, "Mana kak tau. Dah dia tak boleh balik". Mind you, Ira never told me her plan (read : surprising mak). Only when we were in the car I asked her did she tell mak she can't go back and she just laughed at my question 😒. There, suddenly we set another surprise for mak.

That morning when we arrived Terengganu, we missed the nearest exit to the house. Me and Ira were sleeping and Arrif was too immersed in his Spotify. The next exit located near to a pasar minggu (pasar pagi / pasar tani) so we planned to head there first to buy some kuih for breakfast. I called mak to tell her about our situation and if she needed anything from the pasar. Here I translated our conversation (because we spoke in Terengganu' slang) as I remember it;

Mak : Nak makan nasi dagang? Kalau nak, beli la beras nasi dagang
Mak : Haa, cakap Ira tak jadi balik. Ooo tipuu. Pandai sangat ni.

Hahaha. She practically shouted at me through the phone. I think that was the first time I ever failed to surprise her. Mak is one of the person I know that rarely show her sadness so when she asked me why Ira can't go back, her tone was normal. No trace of sadness or whatever even after I teased her with "sedih la tu?". I guess losing her mother at young age really mould her to be strong and make her keep her emotion deep inside herself. But when she 'shouted' at me, I could sense her happiness when she know Ira will be home too. I just love it when she is happy like that. I mean, who don't want to see their mother happy right?

But I think she's kind of get it now because her guesses almost always hit the bull's eyes nowadays. She gave me a big Tupperware container when I always complained I don't have container big enough to store keropok. I'm sorry, I'm that spoil when I'm with my mum. Suddenly she wanted that too as if she don't have enough container collection already 😑. Such an Asian mum. Sadly the container was out of stock at her 'supplier'. Last two week I saw that container at my friend, Ili's whatsapp status. So I straight away booked one from her and asked her to send it to mak but I didn't tell mak about it. The parcel arrived this week (it's not Ili fault. I just paid her at the end of the week) and she called me first. Last month Ira ordered her birthday gift online also without telling her and she called Ira first. She's good in guessing now. We are in trouble. Hahaha.

Mak and her annoying lovely last child

Anyway, if you want to order Tupperware container and don't know where to get it, you can contact Ili HERE. Don't worry she's a trusted seller. She also sell chocolate but I never tried them yet.

Disclaimer : This is not a sponsored post

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  1. chantek background làutan tuuuh.. :p

    1. Tu laut pantai Terengganu. Kalau pergi Terengganu jangan lupa singgah tepi pantai. Memang cantik.

    2. bukan setakat pantai terengganu., wak dh smpi pulau kapas ghituuu., ;p

    3. Pulau Kapas pun cantik. Nak lagi cantik, Pulau Perhentian la Wak. Setanding Maldives kate orang. Hehehe

  2. We love our moms in many ways. You like to tease her while I like to ask my mother to drive me to mall when my father is away. Hehe.

  3. this is so sweet. it did gave me inspirations too to surprise my mom like that. Hehe. both of you looks so cute there! <3

    1. Thank you! That's my little sister. Not me hahaha.

  4. I can't help but smiling through out this post.

    1. Glad this post make you smile. Thank you for reading.

    2. hehe ur welcome ^^ 💜

  5. Alaaa syoknya lepak2 dengan mak tepi pantai... Lama tak jalan2 pantai dengan mak sedihnyaaa

    1. Syok lagi-lagi bila angin pantai tu sepoi-sepoi tiup. Jangan sedih. Nanti ada rezeki boleh jalan-jalan pantai ^_^

  6. Replies
    1. Rasanya berbunga-bunga tu asyik cakap terima kasih je. Hehehe

  7. Gitu! Free marketing untuk aku. Thanks a lot babe! Kekeke. Aku dah agak cerita tupperware mesti ada kat hujung tu. Kiki. Nice though. Aku tak ingat aku pernah ke buat surprise ke mak aku. Hmmmm..

    1. Ade peluang selit, selit je la. Tak rugi pape pun. Tapi tak tau la membantu ke tak ni. Hahaha. Surprisekan dengan Tupperware la ape lagi Ili.

  8. Lama dah tak bust suprise utk mak.. huhuhu rindu nak buat perangai tu🤭🤭

  9. Me and my sister also did this! Haha..and also i surprised her with my SPM result. Will always remember that moment.

    1. Best kan boleh surprise kan orang yang kita sayang. Boleh jadi kenangan manis.


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